G7 Countries List 2023 PDF Download

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The Group of Seven (G7) is an intergovernmental political forum consisting of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the theUnited States. Its members are the world’s most extensive IMF advanced economics and wealthiest liberal democracies the group is officially organized around shared values of pluralism and representative government. As of 2020, the collective group accounts for a little over 50 percent of global net wealth (which is $418 trillion),32 to 46 percent of global gross domestic product, and about 770 million people or 10 percent of the world’s population Most members are great powers in global affairs and maintain mutually close political, economic, social, legal, environmental, military, religious, cultural, and diplomatic relations. Since the start of 2023, Germany has taken over the presidency of the G7.

G7 Countries List

The G7 was initially been founded in 1973 (though as only a group of four) in response to the collapse of the exchange rate in the 1970s, the energy crisis, and the recession that followed. The G7 meets at least once per year to discuss and share solutions to global concerns including economics, trade, security, and climate change. In its nearly 50-year history, the G7’s accomplishments include the launch of financial initiatives to aid heavily indebted countries, assisting in the fight against HIV/AIDS, and helping enable the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change.

G7 Countries List 2023 PDF List

The G7 has also become involved in the Financial Stability Forum. The nations that are currently part of the G7 include Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Of these nations, all seven are top-ranked countries with the highest net wealth per capita, leading export countries, and five are on the list of top 10 countries with the largest gold reserves. G7 countries List is given below.

List Of G7 Countries With Population

Country 2023 Population
Canada 38,388,419
Italy 60,262,770
France 65,584,518
United Kingdom 68,497,907
Germany 83,883,596
Japan 125,584,838
United States 334,805,269

The current G7 members and their leaders are-

Canada (Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister), France (Emmanuel Macron, President), Germany (Angela Merkel, Chancellor), Italy (Mario Draghi, Prime Minister), Japan (Yoshihide Suga, Prime Minister), United Kingdom (Boris Johnson, Prime Minister), United States (Joe Biden, President) and the European Union (non-enumerated member) (Charles Michel, Council President, and Ursula von der Leyen, Commission President)

List of Seniority of Current G7 Leaders

Person Office In Office Since Term Length
Justin Trudeau Prime Minister of Canada 4 November 2015 6 years, 235 days
Emmanuel Macron President of France 14 May 2017 5 years, 44 days
Boris Johnson Prime Minister of the United Kingdom 24 July 2019 2 years, 338 days
Joe Biden President of the United States 20 January 2021 1 year, 158 days
Mario Draghi Prime Minister of Italy 13 February 2021 1 year, 134 days
Fumio Kishida Prime Minister of Japan 4 October 2021 266 days
Olaf Scholz Chancellor of Germany 8 December 2021 201 days

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